Lilly's Legacy
We know one thing for sure, any good we experience here on Earth comes from God, and is of God, who is the creator of all.
Though our beloved pets do not have an immortal soul in the way that humans do, they are created for us by the love of God as a gift. They are in a sense a wink, or a small representation, of God's love for us. So if our eternal destiny is heaven, we will indeed experience this love that we shared with our pets here on Earth; only, this love will be amplified not just hundreds of thousands fold, but infinitely.
God may indeed allow us to see our pets, who embodied a small taste of his love here on earth, in Heaven. But either way we will know from whom that gift and facet has come, and we will be drawn deeply to the infinite love of God, that makes us realize we need nothing else; for we are fully sated in our communion with Him.
For, in heaven is the fullness of Truth and Divine Order. Nothing comes before or takes the place of God and His Love for us. Nor do we want it to.
Here on Earth it is another story, because we are often tempted to place other creatures or things before God. But we as Christians are called to live our Baptismal vows of having God as our All, and seeing all good things as coming from him. And if we strive to do this; then no matter what happens in this life, or what beloved pets (or loved ones for that matter) that we lose, we can find joy and consolation amidst our sorrows; AS WE ALLOW THE LOVE WE SHARED WITH SUCH CREATURES TO DRAW US TO DISPOSE OURSELVES, STILL MORE, TO THE INFINITE LOVE OF GOD FROM WHOM THEY CAME.
Grieve, though we may, as St. Paul tells us, it must be with great hope.
Could we possibly say that our pets can be a sort of sacramental, to aid us in drawing closer to God; and, as well, can stand in proxy as we pray and sacrifice for our spiritual children?
"In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind." (Job 12:10)
"Just as it is written:
“Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard,
And which have not entered the human heart,
All that God has prepared for those who love Him.'”(1Cor 2:9).
"To Our Divine Eucharistic Bridegroom, through Our Immaculate Mother!"