“Dear Family and Friends, Following is a recent testimony of Sr. Mary Clare who is now united with me in Missionaries of Our Mother of the Eucharist. Thought you might like. It's such a consolation when we can let down our guard and be who we really are before God without feeling the need to hide or prove anything; and just let him love us and hold us in our brokenness... for this is where true healing takes place. "He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul" (Ps 23). For "His yoke is easy, His burden light." Love and prayers, Lilla Marie
By Sr. Mary Clare Wax
I have never had so much peace as I have now. God is good! I will try to explain the best way I can what God has been doing in my life to bring this about.
I have been introduced to John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" and inner-healing. This has allowed me the opportunity to be able to go to my deeper heart and to be real with God in sharing every aspect of my life and allow inner healing to take place. This has been very key for me.
We are all in need of inner healing. The whole world is in need of this since we come from such a broken world. We all desire to have the peace of God within the very core of our being.
I have often experienced that Priests and Religious are placed on high pedestals, and in order to stay on top of the pedestal, we can end up looking great on the surface but lacking deep peace and full freedom in who we are before God. God desires us to be real with Him and to bring all our desires to Him whether they be disordered or ordered.
If we keep repressing our disordered desires and over-spiritualize as if we have everything all together, we can never be fully healed and live in the freedom of God. God wants us to invite Him right into our disordered desires, or “poopy scoop” so to speak, and bring His Divine Light and healing into every dark area or dark room of our lives.
Many of us want to look good in the eyes of others and we find our identity in what others think about us, which is mostly false, instead of caring what God thinks about us. God loves us unconditionally and He desires us to rise up out of our "poopy scoop" that we have wallowed in for too long.
The more we come into the Light of His Divine Mercy, the more we can see our sins, our dirty diapers; but the more we allow God to come in and change our dirty diapers, the more we can grow in the freedom of the spirit.
This is the freedom of what has happened to me since I have allowed God to enter into an area of my life that I didn't want Him to look at. I would take it to confession, which was a great grace, but it was always lingering and would stick up its ugly head once in a while.
I know many people who have told me that they take the same sins to confession over and over again and they seem to not be able to change. I have good news! If we go before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and journal our desires before Him, whether they are ordered or disordered desires, and we are real with Him, He will bring us to an intimate place in our heart with Him. He wants us to be real with Him and this takes much humility. I have experienced a new freedom in Christ and His tender love for me.
May we all have the grace to remove any masks that prevent us from truly exposing ourselves in all that we are to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as They expose Their Hearts to us. Like the song says, “To be real; you’ve got to be real!”
It is in this that we are able to become the fullness of who we were created to be. We will be so filled with His love for us that we will desire to fall into His embrace. The One who will help us to do this quickly is our Mother. If we consecrate ourselves to Her Immaculate Heart, She will help us to ride the wave of Grace. She is the quickest way to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. May we always run to the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary!