We are called to love, respect, honor and obey Mother Church, who was born of Mary with Jesus our Crucified Savior at the foot of the Cross (as Blood and Water flowed).
Mother Church is all that Christ established Her to be, including the hierarchical structure. But, to love her is to acknowledge and defend her in the fullness of her dignity, identity, truth - her Doctrine of Faith. Anything other is to disgrace Her. It is anathema (Gal 1:9).
Our Holy Mother Church, at this time, is going through Her Crucifixion and death, but only to Rise ever-more triumphantly, beautiful, holy, pure, poor, simple and glorious.
We, the body of Christ, are the church, to the degree that we remain under the mantle, within the womb, of Her teachings and nourishment.
But, dear fellow Christians, our Mother has a terrible "stage 4 cancer" which is malignant; which has infiltrated throughout ("The smoke of Satan has entered...the Church" Pope St. Paul IV).
And, hence, we the Body suffer. This is our Calvary. But just as white blood cells try to attack the cancer cells, we are called to remain in the truth, defend and protect the truth, lest we be invaded.
This role comes primarily through the deepening of our spiritual life, through prayer, fasting, alms giving (not just financially but in all ways).
It is our holiness of life, our ever-more perfect "yes" to God's Divine Will at every moment as it comes, that we become immune to the spirit of the world, the flesh and the devil cancer invasion, and Mother Church is restored.
May it be so dear brothers and sisters in Christ! All aboard! Let's anchor on to the Two Pillars of our faith that give us strength to persevere in our great calling to sanctity and Communion with our Triune God. "This life is very short in comparison to Heaven."
"The 'programme' which I have set before the Church at the dawn of the third millennium is to contemplate Christ...with Mary...especially Christ in His Body and Blood" (Pope St. John Paul II, Eucharistia).
"To Our Divine Eucharistic Bridegroom, through Our Immaculate Mother!"