Merry, Mary Christmas, and a Holy and Blessed New Year to you, this Joyful Christmas Season!
Know that we are thinking of you, we hold you dear to our hearts in prayer, and we thank God for the gift you are to us! As we contemplate the Incarnation of Christ our Savior, during this 8 Day Octave of Christmas, may we unite in preparing our hearts for His coming second Birth in glory. So much we can learn from the Holy Family, as we find ourselves in such times of grave darkness and suffering. For, as then, so now a great Light is dawning in our midst; and it is but for us to receive such visitation.
Our Holy Mother Mary, was asked to abandon the house of Nazareth, prepared with such care; to embark on a weary journey to Bethlehem, amidst a pregnancy already brought to term. She and Joseph were fraught with uncertainty of what they were to find. They were met with refusal of hospitality at the door of every "Inn". And the only place that was disposed to receive the King of Kings was a poor, cold and barren Grotto. How many thorns pierced our Mother's Heart (and that of Joseph's) through this trial leading up to our Savior's birth (and then beyond as they traveled to Egypt due to the killing of the Holy Innocent).
And, how many trials are we presently undergoing in our own lives, and the lives of those dear to us? May we find great hope and purpose amidst them.
Our Mother reportedly tells us:
"I understood that this suffering was asked of Me by the Father, in order to prepare a more precious cradle for My Baby about to be born. Now I ask you, My beloved sons [and daughters], for prayer and suffering, as your personal co-operation in preparing a fitting home for Jesus who is about to return in glory. Understand the significance of my motherly interventions, which today have become more frequent, extraordinary and urgent...
Prepare yourselves for the second Birth of Jesus in glory: He is about to come to reign among you. The ways along which He will come are those of prayer and suffering. Already these are the times in which you must all recollect yourselves in a continuous and trusting prayer, such as was mine during the long journey made to Bethlehem...
Let the poor grottos of your hearts be opened which, in the deep night, must blaze in the light of an unshakeable faith, of a sure hope and a burning charity. And suffer with patience and with trust. As for Me, so also for you, the sufferings which the Lord asks of you form part of a loving plan of His.
Sorrows must increase for everyone, the closer His new birth becomes. Welcome them, as the Heavenly Mother did.
Walk in the light of the Star, which shows that the time has already arrived in which the prophetic announcements which have been given to you in these years are to come to fulfilment. And live every hour of your life in the greatest possible trust and in the joyful expectation of the glorious return of my Son Jesus." (from MMP #300)
With joy in our hearts, we ask you to journey with us toward Jesus' second Birth in Glory! We were all chosen for "a time such as this." God knows our frailties and weaknesses, and the sufferings we may be enduring now, or soon to come; and He knows the many graces He is bestowing upon us, that we may persevere, with the courage and strength of the Saints who have gone before us, in "running the race" to the finish.
We love you! And, most importantly, Our Triune God loves you, Our Immaculate Mother and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven love you. We have a vast multitude of our Heavenly Family, and the Holy Souls in purgatory, ready to aid and intercede for us at every turn. May we never forget to call upon them daily for help.
May God Bless You and Your Family Abundantly,
In the Three Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Sr.Charista Maria and Sr. Mary Clare
"To Our Divine Eucharistic Bridegroom, through Our Immaculate Mother!"