But as well, it is up to each of us to seek His Will each day and say yes to it. To be Christian is to live wholeheartedly our baptismal vows; lest we only be paying lip service and are lukewarm in our faith, which our Lord rebukes.To be baptized is to live as a child of God, disposed to his Love, Mercy, and redeeming Graces, that are available to us constantly.
May nothing distract us, not mighty wind or waves or anything else, from walking on the waters of his providential love and care. Rather, may such difficulties and crosses only aid us all the more in riding the mighty waves of grace in our lives.
For it is in this that we live in His Kingdom here on Earth.
And it is in this that we are free from fears, worries and concerns, no matter how difficult the journey may seem.
And if you want to know the Secret to living this most fully and wholeheartedly, it is Mary, and living Each day our Consecration to her.
Love and Prayers for you all!
We are in this together as the Church Militant here on Earth.
United with the Church Triumphant and Church Suffering -- Pray for us!
(To learn more check out our webite: our Mother of the Eucharist . org)
"To Our Divine Eucharistic Bridegroom, through Our Immaculate Mother!"