Published on: May 13, 2014
My Dear Family and Friends,
Today is the feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament! This is a very powerful feast day that is not very well known now, but one book on Marian feasts said it will become one of the greatest feast days in these last days.
Pope John Paul II said the Third millennium would be “intensely Eucharistic.” As we are nearing the “new springtime,” graces will continue to flow forth from the Holy Eucharist more and more profoundly.
And, very key in disposing ourselves to receive these graces, is to call upon Mary to not only inspire us, but to possess us. The more we are possessed by the spirit of Mary, the more we will have the grace to dispose ourselves to the profound graces God is constantly pouring out upon us.
This day has been my feast day since I entered religious life 24 years ago, and now the feast day of Missionaries of Our Mother of the Eucharist. And, this because I have such deep conviction of the very key role of Mary and the Eucharist in our times. The conviction is so deep to the point of crying, to the point of wanting to beg others to call upon our Mother of the Eucharist to intercede, that she may draw us to her Eucharistic Son in a deep and personal way. No doubt abundant graces flow through her intercession in this way.
The Holy Eucharist is the “source and summit of the whole Christian life” as the Catechism tells us. Why wouldn’t we want to fix our whole lives, hearts and attention on Him in the fastest, surest, and easiest way possible. And, this is what Our Mother of the Eucharist helps us to do.
For this is where our fulfillment lies. As Pope John Paul II tells us, “the greatest of human yearnings” is a “profound and mutual ‘abiding’” with Jesus. He goes on to say, “God has placed in human hearts a ‘hunger’ for His word, a hunger which will be satisfied only by full union with Him. Eucharistic communion was given so that we might be “sated” with God here on earth, in expectation of our complete fulfillment in heaven” (Mane Nobiscum Domini).
May our Mother of the Eucharist intercede for us all, that we may come to recognize that Jesus is truly in our midst, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Most Blessed Sacrament; and He waits for us; He longs for us to spend time with Him and to receive Him (with rightly prepared hearts) in Holy communion.
Our Eucharistic “Jesus, we love You! We are in love with You!” (mmp)